Monday, 17 November 2008

Media Frenzy Around Perfect Poppy

Stress Level Today: No hair left!

Its been a stressful week trying to fit in all things Ardent and homelike around work. There wasn't one day last week where I didn't end up doing more than my rota'd hours.

There has been some good news in that Poppy the stray dog has appeared in the local newspaper. Bad news is that Ardent Pets was not credited properly with saving her life. We have also appeared in Our Dogs which was very exciting.

Her blog is coming along nicely and the number of followers are growing slowly, We have also had our first enquiry about giving her a new home which is great.

I have got to grips with some video editing software and the result is posted below. Business widow goes technical!

Other fantastic news THE PIT HAS BEEN TIDIED!!! so we apologise for any freak weather changes cause by this organisational oddity. As a result my Monday mood is not too bad today as I am not in danger of being drowned by teetering piles of paperwork.

Our aim for this week is to cope on minus hours sleep, not drink and get at least 40 new items listed on the Ardent Pets website.

We haven't forgotten (the place to go for fantastic gift ideas and to compare prices on that unusual or personalised gift) it is ticking along nicely and hopefully will increase in popularity as we get close to christmas.

Thats all for now, Go visit Poppy's Pages for up to date information on our special stray.

Monday, 10 November 2008

Website Saves Life of Injured Stray Dog Facing Death!

Stress Levels Today: 5 Grey Hairs

This week has been a bit of a blur and emotionally draining. It has mostly relolved around a rather special stray rushed into the vets where I work by three dashing police men on Tuesday morning. She had been hit by a car and was in a critical condition. We supported her through the shock with some pretty fabulous nursing but 24 hours later she was stable but still not able to feel her frontlegs so things were looking bleak for her.

After 48 hours she was using one front leg and we had got her eating specially cooked mince and veg. Things started looking grim for her again she needed an operation to amputate her useless front leg. With no microchip and no owner coming forward it looked like she was going to be put to sleep after all as the Partners were not willing to fund the operation.

Then came Karl to the rescue offering to fund the surgery and save her life again! We are feeling a little bit fuzzy and warm inside at the moment and have just started a media campaign to get her a new home (or I will as soon as the news desks answer the phone at 9 o'clock).

If you want to keep track of her progress or read the story in full she is getting her own blog at

All other news really pales into significance so I'll end here. Come back next week for more exciting Ardent Pets news

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Licenced to Scan, Stop or My Wife Will Scan etc etc

Stress Level Today: 2 Grey Hairs
We have a new toy! It's a very exciting bar code scanner and stock inventory software. I have had lots of fun scanning in stock codes so we can keep track of what we have at any one time. It even goes beep but I'm not sure of its range. It would be great if I could scan a tub of hermit crab food from the other side of the pit whilst fending off the huge pile of filing threatening to engulf me in an avalanche style way. I think all of the hype surrounding the new James Bond film may have gone to my head reading that last sentence again.

We have also had another first this week with our first job application letter. It was very flattering as they must think there's an army of Ardent Workers all frantically picking and packing in a huge warehouse when in reality its just Karl in the spare room. We will definitely keep him in mind though as he has some skills and interests which would be useful when we are ready to expand the empire!

That will have to be all for now as I must fit in some hamster training before it gets too late.

Monday, 27 October 2008

Fat Talking Reindeer in Stockings!

Stress Level Today: 3 Grey Hairs

So whats happened this week? I asked Karl. "Not a fat lot" he replies in a very helpful Monday morning kind of way. Its been an odd kind of week with one day seeing us take half of our normal weekly takings in one day then the next day hardly any sales. Almost as though the world outside The Pit (office/spare room) has been wiped out in some Supernatural event.

Exciting news! We've had an influx of talking Santas and Reindeer in our brand new Christmas pet toys. We've even got rabbit and Hamster Christmas stockings!
They are so cute and cuddly. I might just get one for myself.
This week it is all good news with the first of my day job friends on the verge of moving to pastures new and salaries we can only dream of. Good luck to her!
Its been all quiet on the High Street Prices website. Hopefully it is a pre Christmas lull and people are poised to leap into a buying frenzy soon. Ideally an indecisive frenzy so they need a price comparison website for fabulous gift ideas

Monday, 20 October 2008

Lord of the Websites: Return of the Fireworks

Stress Levels Today 5 grey hairs

You would have thought I would learn not to write a blog entry on a Monday morning before going into work but no here I am tap tapping away in the most hideous foul mood that you can image because I have to go into work in an hour. Lets try to imrove my mood by turning to all things Ardent.

I've managed to squeeze in some spring cleaning of our categories and am currently making sure the heading Dogs is lovely and orderly with all the items snuggled nicely just where you would expect them. At the moment its a bit of a mess as I'm halfway through and theres a lot of fantastic items falling into the Dogs category. Just have a look at the Aquatics section for an idea of how it will look when I'm finally done if my soul hasn't been sucked out of me by then.

Selling has been a little quiet lately due to the impending doom of the economic climate and E Bay deciding to change how it works just enough for all the neophobics to run for the hills, away from the furthest wifi reaches. Hopefully it will pick up soon otherwise food is going to become an optional luxury again.

I've wheeled out and dusted off my surviving the fireworks season epic article again. It is just what you need to get through the next 4 months of small warzones in suburbia. If you want a good read visit our squidoo lens at

Karl has been showing a little favoritism between our two babies and has been spending more time on It now has a lovely collection of Google ad campaigns to lure all those fiscally fabulous Christmas shoppers through our portal to a virtual mall of wonderful bargainous gifts for all.

Now my bad mood is under control and simmering nicely, I'm off to do a little bit of picking and packing before dragging myself kicking and screaming to work. Come back next week for another exciting installment.

Monday, 13 October 2008

Christmas ideas, Explosion of Elephants, Hard of hearing hamster?

Stress Level Today: 3 Grey Hairs

Its been a good week despite my chronological advancement on Thursday. Had lots of nice things and managed to distract myself completely by reading and finishing one of my birthday books.

Still got the feeling I've got a bit too much on my plate as Uni coursework is slightly behind schedule as we hit a slight problem with clicker training K.D. the hamster (and small pet product advisor for She wasn't picking up click means treat after several sessions so we think she may be a little hard of hearing as she started getting the idea when I swapped click for a light.

Work is work need I say more (better not go there at the moment)

Were are having a massive stock clearance at Ardent Pets and have just started arranging a job lot of odds 'n' ends to auction on E bay. So look out for an extravaganza of elephant shaped hamster houses and get bidding.

Dont forget to visit our new baby where a whole page of discount coupons appeared this week. Great for those early Christamas presents so get shopping!

Monday, 6 October 2008

Links, Links, Links and Christmas Presents

Stress level today: 4 grey hairs

Its been links, links, links this week for both and . We are now listed on oodles of web directories so that google thinks we are fantastic and popular and will rank our web pages really highly (or at least higher than they are now).

Its has been very exciting with our first commision earned through after less than a week since its birth. I've been having a good rootle around all the different sites listed and have some great ideas for Christmas presents already. At least that's one less stress this year.

Thats all for now, come back for more next time

Friday, 26 September 2008

Hamster Agility and High Street Prices

Stress Level today: 4 grey hairs

The time has flown by with my time management skills still being somewhat lacking as you can tell by the time period between Blog entries. It has been quite a month with our foster dog Peggy finding a fantastic new home and me being away for two weeks on my post grad diploma course. Since last writing I have clicker trained a goat which was very exciting and will be clicker training our Hamster 'K.D.' to negotiate a small agility A frame. So far it is not going well as after a week of testing to find out which liquids she likes she has decided liquids are all rubbish and she will only work for pieces of carrot (shaved into microscopic slices so she cannot pouch them). Its a steep learning curve for me!

Other news the Ardent Empire has had a new baby. We have launched a shopping price comparison site which is like a mini shopping guru as it is a guide to lots of different websites for a whole range of products and services. A fantastic place to start for your Christmas shopping (Yes I did type the C word in September).

Feel free to have a look around

We are now officially VAT registered so will be giving money to the tax man instead of heating the house for the next few months until the website ( grows enough to compensate. Any donations of big woolly jumpers will be gratefully received.

That's all for now come back soon for another exciting entry from behind the scenes at Ardent Pets

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Optimising Our Great New Stuff

Stress level today: 1 grey hair

We've branched out into food with some fantastic Arden Grange pet food. Karl has been busy putting these onto the website So far no takers but watch this space!

He still hasn't had a moment to list any of the great new products I've picked which are currently clogging up the landing and entrance to The Pitt (the office a.k.a the spare room). I'm going to be well prepared for the Olympics with all of the athletic training I've done just getting to the loo in the morning. Especially when our wholesaler order arrives and that adds to the challenge of landing navigation. To give Karl his due he is completely up to date with all of the Aston Villa Football Club news and whats happening in the cricket so he is very busy. Lets see if he reads my blog!

My other great find this week is the Olimpia Hamster cage (right). Its really diferent to any other cages available. Even the spelling is different! Check it out at

Other news we've commisioned a SEO campaign (search engine optimisation) so that lots of people can find us not just a select and special few. They should also create some links and help spred the Ardent Pets word. Come back soon to see if it is money well spent.

Thursday, 31 July 2008

The VAT Man Cometh

Stress Level Today: 2 grey hairs

Things are going OK this month. I daresn't say things are going well as every time I am a tinsy bit positive we always get a selling drought. The month didn't get off to a great start with my nan dying and then I managed to drive my car into a 5ft ditch the day before the funeral. It did mean being car-less I took a week off to help Karl with all things Ardent and as a result we have fantastic new cheaper postage prices on E bay and more postage options which is very exciting. It has given sales a little boost and warded off some recessional spending reticence in our customers.

We are busy earning karma points fostering Peggy a little terrier cross whose owner was extremely mean. Hopefully she can be rehomed soon so she can start a fantastic new life.

Our biggest news is that we are approaching the VAT threshold this year and will be registering within the month. Its very exciting and scary but it means we're getting bigger. As a consequence I might become a partner in Ardent Pets rather than general lackey and assistant to his nibbs. Expect stress levels to rise as we get used to accounting for VAT.

Our first newsletter has gone out. Admittedly 9 times to some people before we got the hang of the software. Its all about travelling and has a fantastic discount attatched. August is probably going to be preparing for fireworks season but I might delay it until September as I suppose it is a bit early for people to take it seriously. If you would like to sign up for our incredibly informative newsletter register at

Thats all for now come back soon for more exciting Ardent Pets News

Monday, 30 June 2008

Four Sales and a Funeral

Stress level today: 4 grey hairs

Its been a crazy month and I've no idea where the time has flown. The relaxation from our long weekend in Bath has definately worn off with a deathly quiet week on the website around Fathers day. As a result cashflow has been a dirty word in our house for the last few weeks. We have let ourselves get a little distracted and have had some fun (yet another illegal word) as the American contingent of the family have been over for their annual visit. It's time to knuckle down now which wont be easy after my course in Southampton last week which coincided with the death of my nan. Karls going to be left on his own looking after the baby (website) whilst I try to rattle off a few assignments.

Brighter news we have a new Ardent-mobile (car). The Rav has had to go which was quite sad but we need more than 23 miles to the gallon with Karl driving more miles now we have found a good wholesalers nearby. We now have a VW Sharan people carrier which is huge! I still haven't plucked up the courage to try and drive it. I'm not sure I will reach the pedals. There are a few teething problems though as it blew clouds of blue smoke all the way home from when we reached the motorway. It was quite embarrassing as lots of kind hearted people kept telling us we were being followed by the equivalent of a small stormy weather system (as if we hadn't noticed the view behind us had disappeared). It also seems to be incontinant and is peeing oil out of its exhaust. It goes back to the garage this week for a full medical and possibly surgery. On the plus side it does do 50 miles to the gallon of petrol (not oil).

Our mission for this month is to get a newsletter up and running for all those Ardent pets fans. There are a few software teething problems at the moment but hopefully details of special offers and top tips will be winging their way to all our subscribed customers. If anyone would like to subscribe just fill in your details on the box is under the shop categories on the left of the screen.

Thats all for now, call in again soon

Friday, 30 May 2008

Postage Pickle

Stress Level Today: 2 grey hairs

Had another wonderful weekend away at my sisters in Bath and destressed by floating about in salty warm water at the spa. Its a good job as stress levels are starting to rise slightly. Its been a quiet fortnight on ebay ( despite the lovely wet weather that we've been rain dancing for. It usually keeps people indoors and on their computers but the media hype about the credit crunch could be inducing widespread shopaphobia. I can hear the twang or tightened purse strings in my sleep.

Discussions are underway at Ardent HQ (Spare bedroom a.k.a the office a.k.a. the pit) about offering free delivery on all items on the website to start with. We would hope it would make buying more transparent as you know what things cost before getting to the check out but it would have to be carefully structured so we dont lose money on postage and the customer doesn't pay over the odds for combined shipping. The jury is still out on this one so if anyone is actually out there and would like to make a comment feel free. Alternatively send me an e mail through the contact us section on the website

Our new small rodent product advisor seems to have aquired the name K.D. as Kate, Davina nor Gabby seem to have stuck. She is thoroughly sampling Burgess Supa Hamster Complete mix food at the moment and initial findings are showing high scores in palatability, storability and pouchability. We are still waiting for her report on health and vitality but it looks like its going to be a 10 out of 10 for this great value quality food. Check it out at

Thats all for now, log in again soon for more behind the scenes gossip at Ardent Pets.

Thursday, 15 May 2008

Googlebrations on the South Coast

Stress level today: What Stress!

We've just had a glorious sunny 3 days holiday in Dorset and have returned feeling refreshed and rejuvenated and slightly pickled from alcoholic excess. Karl managed to keep fiddling with his blackberry to a minimum and entrusted Gill my big sis to keep our e bay listings running smoothly, which she did a fantastic job with. As you can see from the picture the weather was perfect even if the water was a bit chilly for Karls little tootsies. So thats our holiday for the year now back to the mountain of questions that have accumulated in our absence.

We also celebrated increasing our Google ranking of from 2 to 3 (or should that be Googlebrated?). It is measured out of 10 which doesn't sound so impressive until you search for a high ranking pet website then the highest we found was 5. I know what you're thinking - 'What a fantastic blossoming website, I shall tell all my friends and family to buy wonderful pet supplies from them whether they have a pet or not.' Yes you are absolutely right.

There is also a new addition to the Ardent Pets family. We have adopted a small syrian hamster abandoned at the vets where I work. She is yet to be named but has taken on the role of Small Rodent Product Advisor with a great deal of enthusiasm. Any suggestions for names are welcomed. We may have a little poll when we have whittled name ideas down to three or so.

Monday, 5 May 2008

One, Flu, Three, Four

Stress Level Today: One Monochrome Follicle

Its been 2 months since my last entry and what a two months it has been! Not so much on the website front as I've had to let Karl hog the driving seat. After the 238 hours in 29 days at work in Febrary and a similar pattern emerging in March I decided enough was enough and I stopped working extra hours. We even had our first night out for a long time at the Royal in Sutton Coldfield. My body decided to show its grattitude by cultivating a pet flu virus which completely knocked me off my feet and took a good couple of weeks to completely get rid of. I am now back to fighting fit and feeling really good which might just be me feeling normal but because I've been feeling bad for so long its making a big difference. I can now ignore all the problems at work and get stuck into all things Ardent!

Its been a year since Karl left his full time job and things look to be going OK. This is now our standard response to well wishers as if we say things are going well then there is a sudden slump in sales. So things are OK, we dont want to be too positive or ambitious as we are British afterall!

We've been up to our necks in stocktake for the past month. The counting was the easy part even if we did have a hangover (courtesy of the Royal) and it was snowing. I've just finished getting all the figures and supplier codes into an all singing all dancing spreadsheet and I am feeling smug after totting up we have almost 9K in stock secreted in various locations.

Karl is busy getting all the accounts all neat and orderly. Its taking larger and larger whips to keep him at it although the end is in sight and our first year losses might be less than Paris Hilton would spend on a big night out.

I'm off to list some new items possibly starting with trap and release mousetraps ideal for those unwanted presents from the cat and ending with a football activity mat for cats.

Come back next week for all the behind the scenes gossip at

Saturday, 1 March 2008

Going for Broke

Stress level Today: Run out of hair dye

We've survived another week which is very exciting and put ourselves into yet more debt to expand our product lines. This means hours of new listings to be written as there are so far 200 new items sitting on the landing and we have shins of steel from bumping into them so often.

Its getting quite a challenge finding new items that I approve of to add to our list. My Favourite item this week is the Litter Kwitter which is a litter tray that teaches your cat to use the toilet. There are some graphic videos of it on

I'm finding it difficult to fit in sleep after working three of the last four Saturdays (and I'm working next Saturday too). Not to mention the number of extra evenings I've signed myself up for. At least it ment I could cover the basic bills without the mortgage this month. I know its not supposed to be easy but I'm exhausted and I am starting to come over all unneccessary and emotional every so often. I am also getting quite used to the tension headache that accompanies my day job but that is a different story and the least of my worries at the moment. Enough of my moaning (but it that does feel better).

Its a lovely day today so I'm going to go visit the bunnies for a while have a nice breakfast then get stuck into some essays. We've pencilled in some time off this evening so that should be good.
Damn theres a black cloud on the horizon so I'd better be off. Toodle pip.

Saturday, 16 February 2008

Doom, gloom and model trucks

Stress Levels Today: Pass me the hair dye!

Been a little busy of late as just completed two weeks at work verging on 60 hours per week then jumped head first into a full e bay listing revamp. We've managed to give all our listings on e bay a fresh new look. I'll give anyone a mars bar who finds one that slipped throught the net. You cant miss which ones are the old ones they are all over the place with colours, fonts and some of the geriatric ones even have tacky borders. The reason behind this is to have a last ditch attempt to improve sales before we run out of money. So far this week its not looking good with people still having large credit card bills and the nice weather over half term attracting people away from next to the radiator. It looks like Karl may be in the market for a job next week! Either that or I could get a job that actually pays a wage you could live off.

Its not all been doom and gloom this week as we recieved the truck pictured above made by my daddys own fair hand. The detail is amazing and colours match the livery on the website. If anyone wants to see more of his work take a look at the birdboxes on

If anyone wants to comment on our new and improved e bay listings please feel free. If anyone else other than one couple, a cat and well travelled teddy bear want to vote in the blogging awards for us then that would also be nice.

Tuesday, 29 January 2008

On the Twelfth Month of Trading.....

Stress Level Today: 4 Grey hairs

It has happened! I sucumbed to the lurgy and have lost a whole weekend feeling sick, being stabbed behind the eyes with needles and feeling generally sorry for myself. It could have been the children I was exposed to last week when the local school visited the vets where I work. I even had my own little group of chronologically disadvantaged people to talk to. People who know me will probably be slightly confused at this point at the mention of me and children in the same sentence, but you have to face your fears when educating the pet owners of the future. Especially when your fears happen to be about 3ft tall with 2 legs. I do have to say Mr J. was the consummate professional and put up with the small sticky fingers touching him with a fair amount of dignity. He even stood at the correct moment to have his 3 legs counted and blinked knowingly as the 'look both ways before crossing the road or you'll loose a leg' message was imparted.

On the Ardent Pets front theres been some serious discussions on how we are to progress as cashflow (now renamed cash trickle) is getting quite challenging in the gap between Christmas and people getting paid again. Our little baby is getting very good at paying its own running costs but it would be nice to know the mortgage will be covered this month. We're going to have to go food shopping tomorrow as we are not yet that desperate to excavate the frozen remains of what could be food at the back of the freezer. Anyway as far as big business decisions go we have considered expanding out of the spare room into an office, partly for Karls sanity and partly because we're out of space. We also want to expand the range of products we have but this takes finances so may have to smile nicely at our lovely local bank manager (unless anyone has any spare cash from down the back of the sofa? All donations gratefully received). Stress levels likely to rise in the next few weeks!

WE'VE BEEN NOMINATED for some blogging awards! Technically I nominated both blogs for the awards you can see down the side and so far only Gill and Rob (sister and bro in law) have voted. So we're feeling pretty unpopular at the moment. It could be that technophobia has swept through all our friends and family but its unlikely. If anyone would like to click on the awards, register and vote it would make us very happy.

It is also going to be Ardent Pets first birthday on Saturday 2nd February and I've been given the task of writing a press release. I now wish I hadn't pulled Karls leg saying my blog was better than his as hes given me one night to do it in. There will be some fantastic birthday offers appearing soon to those who subscribe to the Ardent Pets blog at

Thats all for now, over and out

Sunday, 20 January 2008

In cyberspace no one can hear you scream (unless you are very loud and persistant)

Stress Level Today: 1 Grey Hair

Its been a busy week with staff shortages in my proper job as a vet nurse. I've been dodging lurgy's from all sides and so far I am still standing with no unwanted secretions from any orifice. It feels like an age since I was in Southampton last week but the unthinkable has happened and I have begun my research for the assignment. I need to produce 1000 words arguing for the use of electric shock collars and 1000 words against their use. Looking at the underlying theory it may prove to be interesting reading. Look out for the article in March on

Readers will be glad to know the ardent pets world did not collpse whilst I was away although the spare room did look like there had been a small tornado pass through it. Unfortunately I was not quick enough with the camera to document the effect of this freak local climatic anomoly but I am reliably informed it is unlikely to happen again.

This week has also seen the start of Mr J's clicker training. (as I obviously haven't got enough to keep me occupied with work, website, diploma, house and husband). It is going well so far and we have progressed to targeting. When we can do something a little more impressive and I am having a good hair day we might get something on film so watch this space!

Other news - we are branching out in the world of blogging and have registered on in an attempt to spread the word and hopefully make ourselves popular. We are possibly setting ourselves up for a fall here as I was never the popular kid in school and likely to find out things in cyberspace aren't any different. If anyone would like to register, make businesswidow their favourite and mention me in their blog I would be very very excited and I'm sure you would feel all warm and fuzzy inside. If you are feeling super altruistic then go for broke with but I cannot guarantee further fuzziness will follow.

Come back soon to find out if we have any friends!

Friday, 11 January 2008

Theres no place like home

Stress Level Today: 1 Grey Root

Its the end of my week here in Southampton on my Post Grad Diploma away from my real life. As far as I know things haven't collapsed without me at home. I shall find out tomorrow when I return. I did introduce a treat ball for our cats before I left and am slightly concerned that they will have taught Karl how to empty it for them while they sit and watch.
I have learnt lots of fascinating information this week my favorite fact being dogs are red green colour blind. Next week I plan to make sure red is not our colour of choice for dog toys as they will have no hope of finding red toy on green grass.
Look out for lots of new articles (as soon as I finish my assignments!) at

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Fat Cat, Forums and Falling Sales

Stress Level Today: 5 grey hairs

Well Christmas has come and gone with enough socks to last me for the next year. Work has been the usual increase in vomiting and diarrhoea after many pets overindulging at Christmas. Mr J. not to be left out took part in Christmas dinner (see above) and thoroughly enjoyed his prawn cocktail starter and turkey dinner. Having a smaller stomach than the rest of us he did need to go and have the obligatory christmas nap in front of the TV much earlier than everyone else. Now the New Year has arrived it is time to start his diet as he is definately 'looking well' as Nan Osborne would have said. If he can shed those few extra grams it will take some of the strain off his 3 little legs and hopefully reduce the chance of his lower urinary tract disease reoccuring. (Yes I am the proverbial overprotective pushy mum!). He is also supposed to be visiting children at a local school in the next few months and really wouldn't set a good example if he doesn't fit into the cat box.
As far as Christmas sales are going my psychic prediction of 2 sales on Christmas day was correct. We've just got to wait for people to stop being selfish and spending money on themselves, pay off the credit card bill and then they might think about buying poor little Bob the Hamster a new harness and lead or even a deluxe cage ( in our dreams). Stress levels are simmering nicely in the post holiday sales lull.
The new year has got off to a good start in some respects as I've finally finished the assignment for my post graduate diploma due in next week. I intend on spending the rest of the day relaxing after I've caught up on the cleaning and washing and ironing that I've been ignoring whilst writing the damn thing.
The new year also sees the birth of the Ardent Pets Forum ( where anyone can drop by to chat or read the supposedly funny comments posted by some of our family members (You know who you are). At the moment Karl has links and Feeds coming out of his ears and can only speak in html so watch this space for more exciting developments.