Monday, 20 October 2008

Lord of the Websites: Return of the Fireworks

Stress Levels Today 5 grey hairs

You would have thought I would learn not to write a blog entry on a Monday morning before going into work but no here I am tap tapping away in the most hideous foul mood that you can image because I have to go into work in an hour. Lets try to imrove my mood by turning to all things Ardent.

I've managed to squeeze in some spring cleaning of our categories and am currently making sure the heading Dogs is lovely and orderly with all the items snuggled nicely just where you would expect them. At the moment its a bit of a mess as I'm halfway through and theres a lot of fantastic items falling into the Dogs category. Just have a look at the Aquatics section for an idea of how it will look when I'm finally done if my soul hasn't been sucked out of me by then.

Selling has been a little quiet lately due to the impending doom of the economic climate and E Bay deciding to change how it works just enough for all the neophobics to run for the hills, away from the furthest wifi reaches. Hopefully it will pick up soon otherwise food is going to become an optional luxury again.

I've wheeled out and dusted off my surviving the fireworks season epic article again. It is just what you need to get through the next 4 months of small warzones in suburbia. If you want a good read visit our squidoo lens at

Karl has been showing a little favoritism between our two babies and has been spending more time on It now has a lovely collection of Google ad campaigns to lure all those fiscally fabulous Christmas shoppers through our portal to a virtual mall of wonderful bargainous gifts for all.

Now my bad mood is under control and simmering nicely, I'm off to do a little bit of picking and packing before dragging myself kicking and screaming to work. Come back next week for another exciting installment.

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