Monday, 30 June 2008

Four Sales and a Funeral

Stress level today: 4 grey hairs

Its been a crazy month and I've no idea where the time has flown. The relaxation from our long weekend in Bath has definately worn off with a deathly quiet week on the website around Fathers day. As a result cashflow has been a dirty word in our house for the last few weeks. We have let ourselves get a little distracted and have had some fun (yet another illegal word) as the American contingent of the family have been over for their annual visit. It's time to knuckle down now which wont be easy after my course in Southampton last week which coincided with the death of my nan. Karls going to be left on his own looking after the baby (website) whilst I try to rattle off a few assignments.

Brighter news we have a new Ardent-mobile (car). The Rav has had to go which was quite sad but we need more than 23 miles to the gallon with Karl driving more miles now we have found a good wholesalers nearby. We now have a VW Sharan people carrier which is huge! I still haven't plucked up the courage to try and drive it. I'm not sure I will reach the pedals. There are a few teething problems though as it blew clouds of blue smoke all the way home from when we reached the motorway. It was quite embarrassing as lots of kind hearted people kept telling us we were being followed by the equivalent of a small stormy weather system (as if we hadn't noticed the view behind us had disappeared). It also seems to be incontinant and is peeing oil out of its exhaust. It goes back to the garage this week for a full medical and possibly surgery. On the plus side it does do 50 miles to the gallon of petrol (not oil).

Our mission for this month is to get a newsletter up and running for all those Ardent pets fans. There are a few software teething problems at the moment but hopefully details of special offers and top tips will be winging their way to all our subscribed customers. If anyone would like to subscribe just fill in your details on the box is under the shop categories on the left of the screen.

Thats all for now, call in again soon

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